Counseling with Care

WELCOME to Leah Bell Care Counseling LLC!
Congratulations! You've taken the first step to self-care. Is there something missing in your life, your career, your relationships? This is the ideal time to look at patterns and behaviors that keep us stuck and, at times, unhappy. Please take a look at my website and you can decide if it sounds like a "good fit" to you. This is an important relationship. It may be challenging, it may be enjoyable. There is no "one" way to "do therapy." I tailor my approach to your individual needs. I conduct a thorough intake interview and we set mutual goals to identify what areas in your life you'd like to address. They may be personal, they may be relational, they may be around parenting or caretaking. We'll decide together what you need and how you will get those needs met. We'll get there together.

Model of Treatment

Understand how Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) affects us as adults in our relationships.
Individual Therapy
Launching into Young Adulthood
The core of change begins with ourselves. Individual therapy is designed to use the therapeutic relationship to increase awareness which leads to healing past wounds and improving relationships and behaviors in the present.
After two decades of working with clients whose presenting problems are anxiety and depression, we better understand the underlying cause of these symptoms. This understanding can come within 6-8 sessions, if you choose to use your insurance benefits.
Relationships can be challenging. It is a commitment on many levels. Our romantic relationships can bring out the best of us or they may trigger the most unlikeable parts of ourselves. Using attachment theory and recent Gottman Level 1 Training, I will help you better understand how to most effectively communicate with your partner and make the relationship most satisfying.
Emerging from adolescence into young adulthood can be an exciting time, but also one of decisions, erratic emotions and social challenges. When engaged in a trusting relationship with an experienced and warm-hearted professional, a young person can learn to communicate his or her needs and feelings and make effective requests to meet those needs and develop healthy interpersonal relationships and make life choices in alignment with one's unique gifts, talents and traits.